It's been a while since my last post. I knew once I started this blogging thing I would go through times where there would be large gaps in between. I tend to do that with a lot of things. Whether it's starting a new art project, a new goal, beginning a new excerise routine, or whatever the case may be I wind up doing that. I never know if it's that's just me or just me being human? Either way, here's to a new post and hopefully more consistent ones!
Right now, I'm sitting in a Panera, with a cup of coffee and my school books sitting next to my laptop as though them sitting there is somehow getting my much needed school work done. As I keep finding different things to google or search or look up someone's status on Facebook to put off my work, it dawned on me that it would be a perfect time to write a new entry on my blog. I mean, obviously this takes precidence over my getting caught up on my work, duh!
It's 8:15am on this sunshiny Sunday morning, my husband is practicing right now at the Washington City Misson for the morning services our church holds there. As much as I try to convince myself that I'm a night person, the enjoyment I get out of being up early in the calm relaxing morning makes me think otherwise.
I've been to this Panera multiple times when Kyle is practicing at the WCM and every time I come, there's this group of men that are here, in the same spot, at the same time. Sometimes there wives come, sometimes other people join them, but there is always the same core group of 3-4 older men. They talk about life, their grandchildren, the news, politics, their farms, teaching, you name it. As much I try to not listen in, I can't help but get caught up in their conversations.

I have a confession to make. I am a hard core people watcher. I could totally sit on a bench in a mall and just people watch, probably for a long time. Not in a creepy way (I swear) but in a fascinated way. I thought I was alone until I was talking with a friend the other day and we both confessed to each other about our people watching-ness. We talked about how we think about who those people are, where they live, what they do for a living, are they married, are they single, the list goes on and on. Once we talked about the fact that we do that and think the same things, we knew we most likely weren't the only people that do this. And if you look at what the media is, it's certainly focused on people watching but on a much grander and often twisted scale. And do I even need to mention Facebook? We wondered why exactly do people do it. Is it just people being nosey? Or is it just that people are just really fascinated with each other's lives. I think it's a little mix of both. I also thinks it's just part of human nature. I don't think we ever stop watching, mimicking, competing with, learning from, inspiring each other from the time we are babies until the time we are old.
It's easy not to think that someone's paying attention to you or listening to what you stand for and how you live your life, but the fact is people are. Knowing this makes me want to evaluate exactly how I represent myself and how people view me, because it's important. I'm looking forward to challenging myself more in this and making a point be present to the fact that my life affects another. Each and every one of our lives do. I enjoy challenges like this because it makes me have to think outside of myself more, which is always a good thing. So whether it's holding the door for someone, smiling at the cashier on the next grocery trip, or being aware of your conversation when you're in public, make it count. Because it will matter to somebody.
Alright, I've procrastinated on my school work enough and my morning Panera fella's are headed off to church, tend to their farms, or grade some school papers. I'm looking forward to going to church and making sure to smile a few more smiles at and shake the hands of a few more people.
Happy Sunday!
P.S. Spreaking on procrastinating, I wrote this blog on 10-10 and am now posting on 10-30 :)